Monday, March 28, 2011

Love Every Day

Six weeks left until this semester is over, and I can't wait for the end. But, unfortunately, I have to come back one more semester for me to say adios! to UMass Amherst. But soon enough, I will be able to move onto the next phase of my life: ..... (the big question for most college grads). But until then, gotta make every day count!

On Saturday, March 26th I ran the UMass 5K Dine & Dash and improved my time from the 5K mark from the Disney World Half-Marathon earlier this year. But then again, that time doesn't really count because by mile 3 I had to go to the bathroom and had to wait in line behind 10 people who were all crossing, twisting and smashing their legs together to try and keep their pants dry as the other runners passed on by.

Left: Me and the UMass mascot, Sam the Minuteman

Right: Posing for a photo with my first medal for my first half marathon at Disney World! (I cropped my sister out, sorry!)

So that was probably the most eventful thing this weekend. I ended up getting a little tiffle with my friend and he ended up sending me these vids (we're not talking as of yet):

And to balance the mood, my boss gave this found item to me in hopes of getting a smile (it worked):

It's a pretty cool piece of art. By looking at the intricate shapes and characters, you can tell the artist spent a good amount of time making this plaster. It's pretty inspiring, especially something so simple, that can be overlooked, brings a smile or happiness to a complete stranger just by being. Check out the website when you get a chance: Click Here. This definitely makes me want to do something like this and just distribute them all over Boston in hopes of creating a smile.

The week is just beginning and it's gonna get rough, but I'm definitely holding onto this guy for some piece of sanity. Can't wait til the weekend; home-bound for some good food and good company! On that note, gotta start my essay that's due Sunday night...

See you at the next post!

Be good to your soul!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Motivation at 6am....

....has become a cup of coffee for me! Delicious; I've become a true fan of diners. In the last two days I've been to two different diners looking for some breakfast, a place to review on, and somewhere to get motivated for my day. I like diners because they're cheap, huge portions, and at 6/7am, not a lot of people are there. Plus, service is more concentrated on a personal but not in-your-face level, than a huge restaurant where they check on you every two minutes to see how your eggs and toast are doing, and yes I work as one of those people.
Naturally after breakfast, I feel satisfied and ready to take the world on. So, finally got around to getting my laundry done, which was challenging because I didn't have any laundry bags and didn't want to resort to trash bags; thank God for dollar stores. Did some food shopping while the clothes were being washed and some preparing for the Wonder Cafe before having to go to work. While I was at the grocery store, I couldn't help but buy my daily lottery ticket ($1). I won 5 bucks, which was pretty cool, and thought about people and gambling problems. I don't think I have one, because I buy a ticket and if I win, I win, and if I don't, I don't. But if I were to win some good chunk of change, I think I would help out a lot of people. Just saying, Buddha.

But it probably SUCKED A LOT for this guy: here